Street Repair and Seal Project

Posted By on April 4, 2019

The Board has approved a contract with Quickel Paving to do a communitywide street repair and sealing project. This project will be overseen by Accord Construction Management. The schedule is as follows:

Tuesday, April 2nd – Concrete repairs

Thursday, April 4th – Asphalt Repairs

Tuesday, April 9th – Crack filling

Tuesday, May 14th and Thursday, May 16th – Slurry sealing (will be done in two moves, with half the community being sealed on Tuesday and the other half on Thursday)

There are notices posted in the areas where the asphalt will be repaired on Thursday, April 4th. Please do not park in these areas until the repairs have been completed and the notices have been removed. Vehicles parked in these areas will be towed at the vehicle owner’s expense.

We greatly appreciate your cooperation throughout this process and apologize for any inconvenience to you. We will be sending more detailed information about the slurry sealing project in May shortly.